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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Alice In Wonderland

How will you like to be in Wonderland? Well I am writing a book report on Alice in Wonderland. Read about what happened to Alice when she ernt to Wonderland!

Alice felt really strange today. She saw a white rabbit murrdering to itself and out a watch. Alice though it was normal. A minute later Alice relized it wasn't normal and follow white rabbit. She barley saw the white rabbit jump in a hole. Alice also went down the hole.

When Alice reach the bottom. Alice saw a garden, but she needed a key to go in. On the shelf was a golden key. When Alice tried to go though the door she was too big. Alice couldn't remember who she was. She saw a bottle that was titled "drink me." She drank all of it and then became to shrink. Now she was small enough to go through, but the keywas on the self again.

Alice saw the Queen who is cazy and "Off with your head." She saw a cat that told direction and them vanished. The cat told what was on the left and the right Alice saw a catapillar and talk. The catapillar gave a special mushroom to grow smaller and larger. Alice went to court and in the middle of it, her sister woke her up. She told Alice that she was asleep for a long time and dinner was almost ready. Alice told her sister about her dream about wonderland. Alice's sister closed her eyes and image wonderland in her mind.

This was a great look I would really recommed it for people who like cazy advantures.